


Conference Name

Conference Theme




1996 Shanghai International Aquaculture Information Exchange Meeting

Exchange of International Aquaculture Information


January 1996


The second International Symposium on Resource Utilization and Protection of Marine Organisms ---China, Japan and Korea

Discussion on Resource Utilization and Protection of Marine Organisms

Shanghai Fisheries University

November 1996


Sino-Japanese Symposium on the High Utilization Technology of the Freshwater Fishery Resources in China---China and Japan

Discussion on the Processing and Utilization of the Freshwater Fish in China

Shanghai Fisheries University

March 1999


The Second Seminar on the Sino- Japanese Cooperative Processing and Utilization Technology of Freshwater Fishery Resources

Sino- Japanese Cooperative Processing and Utilization Technology of Freshwater Fishery Resources

Shanghai Fisheries University

December 1999


The Third Seminar on the Sino- Japanese Cooperative Processing and Utilization Technology of Freshwater Fishery Resources

Sino- Japanese Cooperative Processing and Utilization Technology of Freshwater Fishery Resources

Shanghai Fisheries University

March 2000


The third International Symposium on Oceanography and Fishery of East China Sea

Oceanography and Fishery of East China Sea

Shanghai Fisheries University

November 2001


The Fourth Tropical Tuna Working Group Meeting of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission

Resources Situation, Resource Evaluation Methods and Tagging and Releasing of Yellow-fin Tuna in the Indian Ocean

Shanghai Fisheries University

June 2002


The Fourth Seminar on the Sino- Japanese Cooperative Processing and Utilization Technology of Freshwater Fishery Resources

Processing and Utilization Technology of Freshwater Fishery Resources

Shanghai Fisheries University

November 2003


Academic Conference Jointly Held by Shanghai Fisheries University and Hokkaido University

Economic Research on Aquaculture, Processing of Aquatic Products, Fishing and Fisheries

Shanghai Fisheries University

July 2005


The Third International Conference on the Geographic Information System of Fisheries and Aquaculture Science/Spatial Analysis

Research on Fisheries and Aquaculture Science

Shanghai Fisheries University

August 2005


The First China-European Seminar on the Higher Education of Aquatic Products

Higher Education of China-European Aquatic Products

Shanghai Fisheries University

July 2006


The Second Industry-Government-Academia-Research Conference on the Utilization and Research of Aquatic Food Resources

The Industry-Government-Academia-Research Utilization of Aquatic Food Resources

Hokkaido University

July 2006


2006 Seminar on the Present Situation, Control and Trace of the Safety of Sino-Japanese Aquatic Products

Safety, Quality, Traceability

Shanghai Fisheries University

November 2006


International Advanced Lectures of Food Logistics Course Series---the Theory and Practice of Modern Food Logistics

Theory and Practice of Modern Food Logistics

Shanghai Fisheries University

December 2006


International Symposium on the Resource Evaluation and Management of Tuna and Pelagic Fishes

Resource Evaluation and Management of Tuna and Pelagic Fishes

Shanghai Fisheries University

March 2007


The Second China-European Seminar on the Higher Education of Aquatic Products

Higher Education of China-European Aquatic Products

Room PEPPEL1, University of WageningenGhent University

August 2007


International Seminar on Food Safety and Trade

To promote the cooperation in the field of teaching and scientific research of food safety and international trade between Georgia University, Shanghai Fisheries University and Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Shanghai Fisheries University

September 2007


Progress and Prospect of the Research on Evolutionary Biology and the Nervous System of Fishes in the 21st Century----Seminar on the Feeling, Behavior, Evolution and Development of Fishes

Research on the visual evolution of fishes; research on the evolution of brain; mechanical experience system; evolutionary science of occurrence and development;hearing and communication of fishes

Shanghai Fisheries University

November 2007


The Third International Symposium on the Research and Development of the Functional Food of Omega—3 Fatty Acid

The healthy benefits, sources, oxidation and stabilization of Omega-3 Fatty Acids; the development of the Functional Food of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Shanghai Fisheries University

November 2007


Academic Seminar on the Fisheries Development Between China and Russia―the Development and Utilization of Marine Biological Resources

The Status and Development of Aquaculture; Processing and Utilization of Aquatic Products; Fishery Resources and Management

Shanghai Fisheries University

November 2007


International Seminar on the Aquatic Food Safety and Trade Between China and Japan

Management of Aquatic Food Safety

Shanghai Fisheries University

November 2007


International Symposium on the Integrated Management of the Coastal Zone

Integrated Management of the Coastal Zone

Shanghai Fisheries University

February 2008


Education Research System and Development of Food Economic Management Disciplines

The establishment of food economy discipline and its roles and responsibilities at present; talent training of food economy discipline; the operation of Food System Institute and its academic contribution; exchange activities and prospects of education research between universities

Shanghai Fisheries University

March 2008


International Forum on Food Safety to Meet EXPO

The exchange of guarantee experience in food safety in the events both at home and abroad; discussion on the food safety guarantee system in Shanghai Expo focused on whole-process control and prevention

Shanghai Howard Johnson Hotel

May 2008


Seminar on the Ecological Improvement and Evaluation Technology in the Habitats Along the Coastal Areas

Ecological Improvement and Evaluation in the Habitats Along the Coastal Areas

Shanghai Ocean University

October 2008


Academic Seminar on the Status quo, Tasks and Future of Marine Utilization and Management

The Status quo, Tasks and Future of Marine Utilization and Management

Shanghai Ocean University

December 2008


Ecological Harmony and Food Safety

Ecological Harmony and Food Safety

Shanghai Ocean University

December 2008


The Third China-European Seminar on the Higher Education of Aquatic Products

Higher Education of Fisheries and Aquatic Products; Cooperation of Scientific Research and Talent Training; the Feasibility of Long-distance Education

Shanghai Ocean University

January 2009


Academic Seminar on the Importance of Marine Environment in the earth’s Environment Protection

Research on biological, Oceanography, the Effective Use of Marine Treasures

Shanghai Ocean University

March 2009


Academic Communication on Tuna Fisheries Research Between Shanghai Ocean University and Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center(PIFSC)(Hawaii,NOAA)

Research on Tuna Fisheries

Shanghai Ocean University

April 2009


The Aqua Fish CRSP Workshop 2009 on Aquaculture, Human Health and Environment

Research on Aquaculture, Human Health and Environment

Lin’gang Shanghai

July 2009


The Status quo of China’s Surimi and the Development of Freshwater Surimi Products

The Status quo and the Development of China’s Surimi

Shanghai Ocean University

September 2009


The First International Seminar on the Breeding of Economic Crabs

Breeding of Crabs and Resource Management

Shanghai Ocean University

November 2009


International Symposium of Thai Aquaculture and Fisheries Education

Aquaculture and Fisheries Education

Asian Institute of Technology

November 2009


The 12th Seminar on the Effective Utilization and Protection of Marine Biological Resources

Marine Environment and Ecological Protection

Shanghai Ocean University

December 2009


The 7th Seminar on Marine Geography and Fisheries Science

Marine Geographic Environment and the Application of Fisheries Science

Shanghai Ocean University

December 2009


The 9th Asian Forum on Fisheries and Aquaculture

More Advanced Science, Better-quality Fishes, and Better Life

Shanghai Ocean University

April 2011


The 2nd FVCOM Seminar on Ocean Models

The Application of FVCOM Ocean Model

Shanghai Ocean University

April 20, 2012


Working Group Meeting on Flag Fishes----the Scientific Organization of the North Pacific Tuna

Flag Fisheries and the Resource Situation in the North Pacific Ocean

Shanghai Ocean University

April 2-9, 2012


The 11th  Asian Forum on Marine and Fisheries Universities

Exchange and Discussion on the Educational and Teaching Reform, Teaching Quality, Crew Training, International Cooperation, etc in the Marine and Fisheries Universities

Shanghai Ocean University

October 31-January 3, 2012


Influence of Environment Change on Fishes and Fisheries—International Symposium on the Sense World of Fishes

Influence of Environment Change on Fishes and Fisheries

Shanghai Ocean University

October 28- November 2, 2012


Working Group on the North Pacific Albacore Tuna----2013 Annual Meeting

Research Progress in the fisheries of the North Pacific Albacore Tuna

Shanghai Ocean University

March 19-26, 2013