From November 7 to November 14, the consultation meetingon the 72nd General Assembly Resolution on Sustainable Fishery washeld at the UN headquarters in New York. Entrusted by the Fishery Bureau of theMinistry of Agriculture, Tang Yi and Shen Huihui, teachers from Shanghai OceanUniversity (SHOU) participated in the meeting. The other day, the Legal Sectionof the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations wrote a letter to ourschool and spoke highly of the work of the two teachers at the internationalconference.
In his letter of recognition, Li Yongsheng, head and legal adviser to theLegal Section of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, saidthat the two teachers took the work seriously and responsibly during themeeting, actively participated in the consultation and submitted severalhigh-quality proposals. Their proposals on aquaculture were accepted and highlyappreciated by representatives of all countries, including the ConsultativeCoordinator, thus enhancing China’s influence in the consultation and betterfulfilling the tasks of participating in the conference.