
SHOU Teachers Attended the 36th CCAMLR Meeting

The release date:2017-11-03view:664Set

At the invitation of the Commission for theConservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and commissioned bythe Fishery Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tang Jianye, ExecutiveDirector of the International Performance Research Center for Pelagic Fishery participatedas a member of the Chinese delegation in the 36th CCAMLR Meetingheld in Hobart, Australia from October 16 to October 27.

Prior to the meeting, Tang Jianye conscientiously analyzed the CCAMLRdocuments, wrote and submitted an advisory report to the Department of Treatyand Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Fishery Bureau of the Ministryof Agriculture and the Polar Office of the State Oceanic Administrationrespectively. Most of the comments of the report were accepted and included as partof the delegation's response to the meeting.

During the meeting, Tang Jianye wasresponsible for the consultation and negotiation of relevant issues regardingthe law enforcement and compliance with the conservation measures and fullyparticipated in the drafting of conservation measures. In the light of the factthat some developed countries do not carry out performance evaluation in strictaccordance with the provisions on conservation measures, Tang Jianye andrepresentatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs argued strongly on justground for the fairness and justice in the implementation of these measures.Upon the proposal of China and the EU and the approval of CCAMLR, Tang Jianyewill co-chair the revisions to the relevant conservation measures with the EUrepresentatives for discussion on CCAMLR next year.

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