From December 3 to 7, a delegation ofShanghai Ocean University (SOU) led by Prof. Zhang Jiping of the College of MarineCulture and Law and Associate Researcher Ning Bo of the Maritime CultureResearch Center and accompanied by Associate Professors Shen Qinghui, Zhao Lingand Lou Lan from the College of Maritime Culture and Law and Lecturer Chen Yefrom the College of Economics and Management attended the 5th InternationalForum of East Asian Island and Marine Culture held in Matsuyama, Japan.
Under the theme of the“diversities of marine culture”, this forum wassponsored by International Center for Folk Culture Studies /Institute for theStudy of Japanese Folk Culture of Kanagawa University and attended by more than60 experts and scholars from Ocean University of China, Guangdong OceanUniversity, Zhejiang Ocean University, Jinan University, National Taiwan OceanUniversity, Hsin Sheng College of Medical Care and Management, KanagawaUniversity, Ehime University, Kagoshima University, Nanzan University, UlsanUniversity, Mokpo University and Korea National Research Institute of MaritimeCultural Heritage.
At the forum, six scholars from our university gave reports inChinese or English respectively. Among them, Zhang Jiping's report was entitledResearch on Buddhist Culture and Ocean Tourism Development of ZhoushanIslands; Ningbo’s report was named Research on the Development andApplication of Crab Culture in the Development of River Crab Industry ofShanghai; Shen Qinghui's report was named Translation of WesternMarine Literature and Sreading of Marine Spirit in Pre-modern China; ZhaoLing's report was entitled Coordinated Optimization: Marine Oil SpillEmergency Management in China; Loulan's report was named Analysis of Chinese traditional marineecological thought ; Chen Ye's report was entitled The Road Names and Shanghai OceanCulture . The forum participants exchanged ideas and interacted actively at the meeting.
Experts at the meeting considered thepreparations for the forum were meticulously thoughtful and commendable, fullyreflecting the theme of diversities of marine culture. Theparticipants all felt that they had broadened their vision and benefited a lot.At the same time, it was decided that the 6th International Forum of East AsianIsland and Marine Culture was to be held by Guangdong Ocean University.
The Forum of East Asian Island and OceanCulture was co-sponsored in March 2013 by universities and research instituteson marine culture in Korea, Japan, Mainland China and Taiwan at the celebrationof the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Marine Culture of Mokpo Universityin Korea and was held in turn by the sponsors. The 1st Forum (Theme: East AsiaIsland and Ocean Culture Forum, EAIOF) was held at Kagoshima University inJapan from November 10 to November 15, 2013; the second by Shanghai OceanUniversity in 2014; The third by Mokpo University in Korea from November 11 toNovember 15, 2015; the fourth by National Taiwan Ocean University from October4 to October 6, 2016. And this 5th forum was organized byInternational Center for Folk Culture Studies /Institute for the Study ofJapanese Folk Culture of Kanagawa University.