On November 14, teachers and students fromNational Kaohsiung Marine University of Taiwan paid a visit to our university.In the Meeting Room 102 of the Image and Information Center, Zhong Junsheng,director of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai Ocean University,introduced the basic information of our university. Exchange students from bothsides exchanged their experience and deepened mutual understanding.
In addition to formal discussions andexchange, Shanghai Ocean University specially arranged student volunteersmarked by Water Droplets to receive the visiting Taiwanesestudents. Accompanied by the volunteers, Taiwanese students visited the campusand enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, having established profound friendship with oneanother.
At noon, volunteers of WaterDroplets warmly welcomed students from Taiwan. The volunteers presented postcardswith pictures of our university to Taiwanese students, while Taiwanese studentsalso presented their gifts. Then they went to the second restaurant for dinner.At the dinner tables, they talked with one another pleasantly and got familiarwith one another quickly.
After the meal, the volunteers accompaniedTaiwanese students to visit the landscape, classrooms, lakes, playgrounds,Starfish Square and other places on campus. They laughed and talked all theway.
Taiwanese students also visited the HistoryMuseum and the Aquatic Organism Museum as well as overlooked the campus fromthe viewing platform of the Image and Information Center. They took picturesand had great fun.
Although the time for getting along wasvery short, students from both sides of the Straits conducted full exchangesand enhanced their mutual understanding and friendship.
Taiwanese student Zhuang Peixuan expressedthanks to students from Shanghai Ocean University and said the trip wasfruitful. The campus scenery was pleasant, the atmosphere amicable and theyhoped to have a chance for a revisit. Taiwanese student Bai Renfang believedthat they were deeply impressed by Shanghai and they were reluctant to leave, hopingto be friends forever.
Gao Xin, a student at the College ofEconomics and Management of our school, said that he sincerely communicatedwith his Taiwanese students, treated them as his friends and felt their warmthand sincerity. Student Geng Tianqi from the College of Engineering and Liu Xinfrom the College of Foreign Languages said that this exchange had deepened themutual understanding among students on both sides of the Straits and that they alsolearned much from the exchange.
Students from both sides of Taiwan Straits were reluctant to leave and that they all hoped tomaintain their friendship and continue to strengthen their communication andexchange.