From December 14 to December 15, the Regional Seminar on International Trade, Market andGovernance for Aquatic Products hosted by the UN Food and AgricultureOrganization (FAO) and organized by Shanghai Ocean University was held inLingang. The opening ceremony was chaired by Prof. Yang Zhengyong. John Ryder, Director of Officeof Trade and Marketing for Fish Products, UNFAO, and Xu Yaoling, ChiefAccountant of our school delivered speeches respectively.
Presided over by Shen Nianjun, Fishery Official of theOffice of Trade and Marketing for Fish Products, the conference focused on thetheme of Trade, Market and Governance of Aquatic Products andconducted discussions on such topics as review on global production, consumptionand trade in aquatic products, review on production, consumption and trade inaquatic products in Asia, non-tariff barriers of aquatic product trade, aquaticproduct certification system in Asia, rules for the effective circulation ofaquatic products as well as policy provisions and traceability mechanisms ofaquatic products in various countries.
Experts and scholars from UNFAO, UNCTAD, SEAFDEC,INFOFISH, Tokyo University, Ministry of Marine Fishery of Korea, ChineseAcademy of Fishery Sciences and Shanghai Ocean University gave reports on the abovetopics respectively. Relevant governmental officials from Iran, Indonesia,Cambodia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Maldives and other countries attended theseminar.
At the end of the report, the meeting set up a specialdiscussion session, inviting all participants to conduct in-depth exchanges ofideas and discussions on fishery trade policies, sanitary and phytosanitarym(SPS), technical barriers to trade (TBT), aquatic product certification andtraceability systems.
In 2016, Shanghai Ocean University joined the FAOGLOBEFISH project asa cooperative member, having successfully cooperated with FAO's FisheryDepartment on joint research and publication as well as expert visits andstudent internship programs. During the meeting, Wu Jiamin, Party Secretary, hadan in-depth talk with John Ryder and Shen Nianjun, officials of theFAO fisheries department. Both parties expressed hope for further cooperationin the future.