

发布日期:2018-04-11 责任编辑:蔡霞本条信息已被查看了 493设置

讲座主题: Theimportance of monitoring and traceability for food safety assurance



地点:食品学院 A108





Leon Gorris博士是联合利华公司法规事务主任,专门负责全球食品安全事宜。他于1997 年加入联合利华公司,曾工作于联合利华公司的英国总部和上海分部,目前工作于荷兰总部。1990-1997年,Gorris博士在荷兰瓦赫宁根农业技术研究所(ATO-DLO)工作,该机构隶属于荷兰农业、自然管理与渔业部农业研究司。2002-2012年,Gorris博士曾在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学担任欧洲食品安全微生物学客座教授。目前在中国的三所大学任客座教授,包括中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院、js6666金沙安全下载、上海科技大学。Gorris博士代表国际食品微生物标准委员会(ICMSF)参与国际食品法典委员会、联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)等国际组织的相关工作。他是国际食品科技联盟(IUFoST)食品安全专家组组长和国际食品科学院(IAFoST)院士。同时,他还是国际食品保护协会(IAFP)院士,荣获了IAFP国际领导力奖和John H. Silliker讲师荣誉称号。并于2016 年获得IAFP 会士荣誉称号。Gorris博士还是FAO/WHO微生物风险评估联合专家委员会(JEMRA)成员,以及新西兰食品安全研究中心国际科学顾问小组成员。

Dr. LeonGorris

Director of Regulatory Affairs, Unilever,Netherlands

Dr. Gorris is director for RegulatoryAffairs at Unilever, with specific responsibility for food safety globally. Hejoined Unilever in 1997 and has been based in the UK, Shanghai and currently theNetherlands. From 1990–1997, Dr. Gorris worked at theAgrotechnological Research Institute (ATO-DLO) in Wageningen, which was part ofthe Agricultural Research Department, Ministry of Agriculture, NatureManagement and Fisheries, the Netherlands. From 2002–2012, he held a part-timeprofessorship serving as the European Chair in Food Safety Microbiology at theUniversity of Wageningen. He is currently a visiting professor at threeUniversities in China: China Agricultural University’s School of Food Scienceand Nutrition in Beijing, Shanghai Ocean University and the University ofShanghai for Science and Technology. Dr. Gorris represents ICMSF at CodexAlimentarius and in interactions with FAO and WHO. He chairs the IUFoSTcommittee on Food Safety and is a fellow of IAFoST. Dr. Gorris is an IAFPfellow, was awarded the IAFP International Leadership Award, and selected topresent the John H. Silliker Lecture. Leon is on the roster of the FAO/WHOJoint Expert Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) and a member ofthe International Scientific Advisory Panel of the New Zealand Food SafetyResearch Centre.
