报告题目:CCAMLR – Science andManagement in the Southern Ocean
报告人:Dr Keith Reid (南极海洋生物资源养护委员会科学主管)
Dr Keith Reid isthe Science Manager at the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic MarineLiving Resources (CCAMLR) Secretariat in Hobart and is a visiting Professor inthe College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University. He is here this weekteaching a course on Conservation Biology in the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem.During this lecture he will describe the work of CCAMLR, focusing on the krillfishery, and the role of science in management of that fishery. He will alsoprovide some observations on the role of China in CCAMLR.
Lecturer: Keith Reid
Dr Keith Reid isthe Science Manager at the Secretariat of the Commission for the Conservationof Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), appointed in February 2008. Priorto his appointment to CCAMLR he was a research scientist with the BritishAntarctic Survey from 1991 – 2007 and was Project Leader for the core-fundedOcean Ecosystems and Management programme and completed a secondment as a polarscience and policy advisor to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He gaineda PhD from Liverpool University in 2002 and has successfully supervised threePhD students and numerous Masters and Honours students. He is an author of over70 peer-reviewed publications and 2 books. His work focuses on the use of sciencein the conservation of Antarctic and on the interface of science and policy. Hehas attended CCAMLR scientific meetings since 1998 (until 2007 as part of theUK delegation) and has also attended the meetings of the Antarctic TreatyConsultative Meeting since 2006 (as part of the UK then the CCAMLR delegation).