

发布日期:2015-03-23 责任编辑:本条信息已被查看了 806设置




报告人:Arthur Cracknell,《国际遥感》主编Arthur P Cracknell

题目:Publishing your work in English in International journals- an Editor’s View(如何在国际期刊上用英文发表文章——国际期刊编辑的看法)

时间:10:05-11:35 am (1hour presentation and 30 mins for discussion)

报告人:Bingqing Liu

题目: Oceanic internal wave in South China Sea

时间:11:40-11:55 am


报告人:Pauline Lovell,语言顾问和英文润色专家

题目: Getting the English Right(如何正确使用英语——针对非英语母语国家的人)

时间:1:30-2:50 pm (1hour presentation and 20 mins for discussion)

报告人:Gang Li

题目: Modelling habitat suitability index for Chilean jack mackerel(Trachurus murphyi)

时间:3:00-3:20 pm


Prof Arthur P Cracknell Emeritus Professor, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK and co-Editor in Chief International Journal of Remote Sensing

This presentation will discuss how to get your paper published – an editor’s view. This will cover: Why publish your work? The choice of publication; choice of journal; preparing your paper; structure of paper, abstract, introduction, method and study area, results, conclusions; tables, figures, equations, references, appendices; editors’ decisions and referees’ reports; revision, rejection, acceptance; the roles of the referees (reviewers) and the handling of the referees’ reports by the editor; the author’s response to the referees’ reports. Citations and impact factors will also be mentioned.

Prof. Cracknell graduated in Physics from the University of Cambridge in 1961 and took his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 1964 on the determination of band structures and Fermi surfaces of metals. He worked in the University of Dundee in 1970, and retired from the Department of Applied Physics and Electronic & Mechanical Engineering in 2002.

His early research work was concerned with the study of group-theoretical problems related to solid-state physics with results published in about 80 papers in the 15-year period from 1965-1980. In the mid 1970s he started to become involved in remote sensing (Earth observation) work, a field that was then in its infancy. A substantial group of academic staff and support staff was created in remote sensing concerned both with satellite data reception and with the analysis and interpretation of satellite data for geophysical and environmental applications research work.

Prof. Cracknell has had published about 200 research papers and several books on remote sensing. He has been the Editor of the International Journal of Remote Sensing since 1983 and during this time the Journal has grown from a quarterly publication with an annual page budget of 400 pages to a publication with 24 issues per annum and an annual page budget of over 8,000 pages.

Pauline Lovell MEd BA Pauline Lovell MEd BA, language consultant and text polisher


This part of the joint presentation will look at common mistakes made by non English speakers when writing in the English language and the effect of poor English on the chances of getting work published.

It will take the form of a workshop in which people are invited to participate. We will focus on what level of English is required for formal papers and the best way to avoid common problems.

Participants will be encouraged to discuss their individual issues when using the English language.

Pauline Lovell is qualified to Masters level in education and communication (M.Ed.) and has held senior management posts in Further Education colleges in England for many years. She has been visiting China and working at various university locations over the last ten years, initially as a teacher of English.

From 2005 she began advising staff and students in China on the acceptable level of English to enable their work to be published and taking on private commissions to correct and polish texts. She has many years of experience in rewriting texts, and her commissions range from short articles to complete books. Mostly this work is with Chinese authors but she has also undertaken work for Greek and Malaysian clients.

Since 2007 she has been working for the publishers Taylor and Francis, providing a screening service and reporting on the level of English for Chinese papers submitted to the International Journal of Remote Sensing.


