讲座人:Prof Jian Yang
Macquarie University
Dr. Jian Yang is a full professor at Department of Computing, Macquarie University.Dr. Yang has published about 200 papers in the international journals and conferences such as IEEE transactions, Information Systems, Data & Knowledge Engineering, CACM, VLDB, ICDCS, CAiSE, CoopIS, CIKM, etc. She is the co-founder of the International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and now serving as a steering committee member. She has served as program committee co-chairs and general chair of in various international conferences. She is also a regular reviewer for journals such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, Data & Knowledge Engineering, VLDB Journal, IEEE Internet Computing, etc.
Her main research interests are: web service technology; business process management; interoperability, trust and security issues in digital libraries and e-commerce; social network