
K.M.Liew :我的研究论文写作经验(一流学科“数字海洋学方向”系列讲座)

发布日期:2014-12-11 责任编辑:本条信息已被查看了 1139设置

主讲:香港城市大学科学与工程学院K.M.Liew 教授




K.M.Liew 教授 简介

ProfessorK. M. Liew received his BS from Michigan Technological University in1985, his MEng in 1988 and PhD in 1991 both from the NationalUniversity of Singapore. He joined the City University of Hong Kongin 2005 as a Chair Professor at the Department of Building andConstruction. He is currently the Head of the Department ofArchitecture and Civil Engineering and Chair Professor of CivilEngineering.

ProfessorLiew’s research activities encompass computational mechanics,optimization, numerical methods, nano-mechanics and nano-materials,multi-scale modelling, simulation and bioengineering. He serves asmember of editorial boards for more than two dozen of journals andwas invited plenary (keynote) speakers of major conferences. He haspublished over 600 articles in various international journalsincluding Proceedings of the Royal Society (London), Physical ReviewB, Applied Physic Letters, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics andEngineering, International Journal for Numerical Methods inEngineering, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, ActaMaterialia, International Journal of Solids and Structures, etc; is aFellow of the HKIE (Hong Kong), ASME (USA), IMechE (UK) and IE(Singapore); and a Chartered Engineer registered under theEngineering Council of UK. To date, Professor Liew has attracted overUS$35 million research and development funds from government fundingagencies, industries and higher education institutions.

ProfessorLiew is an experienced researcher with an h-index of 54 (ISI) or 62(Google Scholar). His publications have been cited over 17,000 timessince 1991. He is listed by the Institute for Scientific Information(ISI) as a highly cited researcher in engineering.

