

发布日期:2014-03-06 责任编辑:本条信息已被查看了 3216设置

报告题目1:Corals in cold water ( 冷水中的珊瑚 )
报告人:Rhian G. Waller,,女,博士。Associate Research Professor, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine.

Though more specious than shallow tropical corals, cold-water/deep-water corals are often out of sight-out of mind because of the extreme conditions they live under. These corals are found in every ocean and at all depths, from shallow intertidal in polar extremes, to deep abyssal plains in the tropics. They have a variety of life strategies to be able to survive such conditions, though research into how these organisms function is still in its infancy because the areas of the globe they inhabit are hard to sample.
My research covers many aspects of cold-water coral ecology, from examining biogeographic patterns across the globe, physiological consequences of anthropogenic impacts, to investigations of reproduction and larval development. This seminar will examine what cold-water corals are and where they are found, touch on aspects of my research that examine how anthropogenic influences are impacting cold-water coral populations and go into detail on my research in Southeastern Alaska that has given the opportunity to examine seasonal influences on reproductive ecology of a deep-sea species.
地点:海洋科学学院A323 会议室
时间:2014年3月12日(周三)09:00 -- 11:00


Southampton Oceanography Centre Ph.D.      2004 Thesis – Reproductive Ecology of Deep-Water Scleractinians – Prof. Paul Tyler, Prof. John Gage

University of Wales, Aberystwyth       Marine and Freshwater Biology         B.Sc.(hons)  2000

Thesis – Environmental Tolerances in the Beadlet Anemone, Actinia equina – Dr Simon Creasey

Appointments & Positions Held

2013 - Associate Research Professor, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, USA

2011 - 2013Assistant Research Professor, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, USA

2007 – 2010Assistant Researcher (SOEST Young Investigator), University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA

2006 – 2007InterRidge Coordinator, Research Associate, WHOI – MA, USA

2005 – 2006WHOI – USGS Postdoctoral Scholar –MA, USA

2003 – 2004Guest Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution – MA, USA

2000 – 2003 European Union PhD Fellowship – Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK

报告题目2:Experience of the use of deep manned submersibles in Russian Academy of sciences.  (俄罗斯科学院应用载人潜水器的经验 )

报告人:Dr. Anatoly M. Sagalevitch。海洋学家,深海探险家,施尔绍夫海洋研究所载人潜水器实验室主任,俄罗斯英雄(Oceanologist, pioneer explorer of deep oceans – head of the Laboratory of Manned Submersibles, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Hero of Russia)

地点:海洋科学学院A323 会议室

时间:2014年4月2日(周三)09:00 -- 11:00

报告题目3:Submersibles operations in Mariana trench and on Geographical North Pole  (载人潜水器在马里亚纳海沟和北极的作业 )

报告人:Dr. Anatoly M. Sagalevitch。海洋学家,深海探险家,施尔绍夫海洋研究所载人潜水器实验室主任,俄罗斯英雄(Oceanologist, pioneer explorer of deep oceans – head of the Laboratory of Manned Submersibles, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Hero of Russia)


时间:2014年4月1日(周二)09:00 -- 11:00


