

发布日期:2014-02-14 责任编辑:本条信息已被查看了 2998设置

报告一题目:Negative influences of invasive Dreissenid mussels on water quality management in the Laurentian Great Lakes
报告人:Dr. Thomas H. Johengen (美国密西根大学,湖沼学与生态系统合作研究所)
地点:水产与生命学院 A楼101室 学术报告厅
时间:2014年2月24日 上午9:00-10:00
Dr. Johengen has been a Research Scientist with the Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research at the University of Michigan since 1991. He also currently serves as the Associate Director of the Institute.  Dr. Johengen received his M.S. in Biological Oceanography from Florida State University in 1986 and his Ph.D. in Oceanic Science at the University of Michigan in 1991.  His research interests include nutrient impacts on water quality and harmful cyanobacterial blooms, ecological impacts of invasive species on lower food webs, ballast water management to mitigate the transfer of invasive species, and the development and application of in situ observing technologies.
Dr. Johengen serves on two scientific Boards that oversee regional and national programs for invasive species research, including: the Great Lakes Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel and the Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network.   Within his interests on observing technologies, Dr. Johengen serves as the Chief Scientist for the Alliance for Coastal Technologies, a national consortium of Universities working with NOAA – IOOS, and he coordinates activities of the open-lake monitoring team of the Great Lakes Observing System Regional Association.
报告二题目:Potential impacts of invasive Asian carp on food webs of the Laurentian Great Lakes –multiple modeling approaches
报告人:Dr Hongyan Zhang(张鸿雁博士)(美国密西根大学,湖沼学与生态系统合作研究所)
地点:水产与生命学院A楼101室 学术报告厅
时间:2014年2月24日 上午10:00-11:00
报告人简介:Dr. Zhang is an Assistant Research Scientist with the Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research at the University of Michigan.  Dr. Zhang received her M.S. in Aquatic Ecology from Ocean University of China in 1997, and her Ph.D. in Ecology from the Ohio State University in 2006.  Her research interests focus on using mathematic models to study synergistic impacts of natural and anthropogenic stressors (e.g, invasive species, eutrophication, contaminants) on the Great Lakes ecosystems.

