
Dr. Kyung Yoo:In-Pond Raceway Fish Culture to Minimize Fish Waste Disposal

发布日期:2013-10-18 责任编辑:本条信息已被查看了 1942设置

学术报告时间:2013年10月22日  星期二 上午9:00-10:00
Kyung Hak Yoo유경학(柳京鶴),美国阿拉巴马州奥本大学生物系统工程系教授,
1979 Ph.D., University of Idaho, Moscow.  Agricultural Engineering, Dissertation: Soil Erosion Simulation Model for the Palouse Prairie of the Pacific Northwest.
1974 M.S., University of Idaho, Moscow.  Agricultural Engineering, Thesis;
                   Characteristics   of Nutrients and Total Solids in Irrigation Return Flow.
1971 B.S., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. Agricultural Engineering.
1996 – Present Professor, Biosystems Engr. Dept., Auburn University.
1990 - 1996  Associate Professor, Agric. Engr. Dept., Auburn University
1983 - 1990  Assistant Professor, Agric. Engr. Dept., Auburn University
I have been awarded various extramural funded grants and contracts for support of  research programs and published research results in irrigation, watershed hydrology, soil erosion prediction and control practices, watershed and water quality modeling of nonpoint source pollution, and aquacultural engineering.  Number of publications authored, co-authored or interpretational translation are: 2 books; 55 refereed journals; 21 bulletins; 50+ presentations at national and international scientific conferences; 12 Alabama Experiment Station Highlights; 25 invited seminars to national and international audiences; and 18 countries traveled for technical and professional consultation on development and research.  I co-authored a book entitled "Hydrology and water supply for pond aquaculture", pp458 published by the Chapman and Hall. I have reviewed and edited scientific articles for various refereed journals: Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Water Resources Bulletin, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, J. of Environmental Quality, and Agronomy Journal.

