
Dr. Max Burroughs: 比较基因组分析的基本单元系统

发布日期:2011-12-31 责任编辑:本条信息已被查看了 2873设置

学术报告名称:Comparative genome analyses of fundamental cellular systems

报告人: Max Burroughs Ph.D
                      Research Scientist
                      Omics Science Center, RIKEN Yokohama



Abstract:The post-genome era has produced massive volumes of high-throughput data. Careful analysis of this data has the potential to open up novel avenues of investigation in a wide range of biological contexts. Here we present the results of comparative genome approaches to investigation of two fundamental cellular systems: the Ubiquitin (Ub) conjugation and RNA interference (RNAi) systems. Analysis of Ub conjugation, a hallmark feature of eukaryotes long thought to have emerged de novo in early eukaryotes, reveals the unexpected existence of complete Ub systems in a range of phyletically diverse bacteria and archaea. These findings throw considerable light on the evolutionary origins of the system while leading to the characterization of novel protein conjugation systems. Analysis of the RNA content in RNAi systems has revealed a wealth of sequence diversity taking the form of modifications at the 3’ ends of mature miRNAs, a novel population of small RNAs associating with AGO proteins in response to heat shock, and extensive modifications to the arms of pre-cursor miRNAs. Evolutionary and functional characterization of this variation has provided clues to novel regulatory pathways influencing RNA involved in RNAi.


