
Yuzhu You:海洋水下通信网络与气候监测预警

发布日期:2011-06-28 责任编辑:本条信息已被查看了 4333设置

       报告题目:Using submarine communications networks for ocean and climate monitoring and disaster warning  (海洋水下通信网络与气候监测预警)
       报 告 人:YOU教授    澳大利亚悉尼大学海洋研究所
       Yuzhu You, Ph.D
       Education: B.Sc, OUC, 1977; M.Sc, UNSW 1989; Ph.D, Usyd, 1991
       Postdoctor: MIT, 1992; Flinders U. SA, 1992-94
       Current positions: 1) Senior Scientist, 2) adjunct scientist (Columbia U.)
       Nationality: Australian
       Specialty: physical oceanography, climatology
       Past positions
       · First Korean Brain Pool Program professorship, Sep 2007 – Aug 2008
       · H. Associ, USIMS, Usyd, 2002-05
       · Senior R. Fellow, SEMAP, UNSW, 2000-02
       · Prof, U. Tokyo, 1999-2000
       · A/Prof, U. Tokyo, 1997-98
       · Prof, Phys. Oceanogr. Lab, NMNH, Paris, 1993-94
       · Guest Investigator, IfM, Kiel, Germany, 1994-95, 1998-99
       · Visiting Fellow, U. Capetown, S. Africa, 2000
       · Adjunct Scientist, LDEO, Columbia U, New York, 2005-06
       · Visiting Prof, NCOR, National Taiwan U, Taipei, 2003, 2004
       · Tutor, Lecturer and Visiting Prof, Ocean U. China, Qingdao, 1977-86, 2005, 2006;
       · Research Assis, Usyd, 1989-91
       Visiting Scientist, CSIRO Marine Divi, 1986-89

