
Dr. Stephen Elmore:食品学院研究生基础前沿课程——食品科学进展二

发布日期:2010-10-08 责任编辑:本条信息已被查看了 3168设置

时      间:10月11日(星期一)晚上6:00—9:30
地      点:二教2205室
授课专家:Dr. Stephen Elmore,the research fellow (资深研究员) of University of reading

Dr. Stephen Elmore is the research fellow (资深研究员) of University of reading. After completing a Ph.D. on the flavour of instant coffee, Stephen Elmore worked as mass spectroscopist at the Institute of Food Research, Reading, for 6 years. There he published papers on flavour extract authenticity and the measurement of flavour release in model systems.In 1995 he joined the University of Reading, to undertake research into the effect of animal diet on the flavour of cooked beef and lamb. Manipulation of the lipid composition of cattle and sheep can provide lamb and beef with improved nutritional value. He has published work showing that dietary lipid supplements high in polyunsaturated fatty acids affected the flavour profiles of cooked meat. Since 2002 he has been involved in the study of acrylamide. Initially he was part of a project that investigated the relationship of acrylamide with its precursors and also its relationship with flavour formation. This work was part of a project examining the effect of processing conditions on acrylamide levels in potato, rye and wheat. Most recently he has been part of a project examining how agronomic practice and genetic modification may impact on levels of acrylamide precursors in potatoes and wheat. This work has shown that sulfur deprivation in growing wheat may cause a significant increase in acrylamide levels in cooked wheat products. He has published more than fifty publications about food chemistry.

