Presented by:Dr. John Gunn
Time:10:30 am, April 9, 2010
Address:Room A208, College of Fishery and Life Science
Introduction of Dr. John Gunn
Dr. Gunn is the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair for Stressed Aquatic Systems Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit, Laurentian University. He has been one of the internationally recognized authorities for more than two decades for his study of biological recovery from acidification and metal stress. His paper in Nature in 1990 (Vol 45:431-433), was one of the first to document biological recovery as a result of pollution reductions, which had considerable impact on science and science policy, including contributing in the amendments of the US Clean Air Act in 1990. His recent papers on recovery show the role of multiple stressors and confounding factors such as invading predators or extreme warming events on recovery. This body of work on restoration ecology in the Sudbury area remains the primary source of information on biological recovery from acidification in the world. His significant scientific contributions are including the study on Thermal Ecology of Cold Stenotherms, Climate Change and Lake Manipulations, Biodiversity Assessment etc.
Welcome teachers and students of all level to attend!